Metal Fabrication

Metal forming machine tool is an important part of machine tools, forming processing is usually associated with high labor intensity, noise pollution, metal dust, etc., sometimes in high temperature and humidity and even polluted environment, the work is simple and boring, and it is difficult for enterprises to recruit people. The integration of industrial robots and forming machine tools can not only solve the problem of enterprise employment, but also improve processing efficiency and safety, and improve processing accuracy. Many processes in the metalworking industry can be replaced by robots to achieve automated production.

Industry Advantages Of MooKa
Higher Precision Higher Speed
After many iterations of reasoning-demonstration-experiment-feedback, the R&D team has studied a series of effective advanced algorithms to successfully overcome the problem of robot jitter, and the algorithm has obtained the copyright certificate of the National Copyright Administration.
Customized Solutions
According to the process and specific production environment, we can provide more refined and complete customized solutions, making it easier to realize automation and unmanned workshops.
More Cost-Effective
MooKa It has always been committed to the pursuit of the ultimate cost-effective products, and on the basis of ensuring research and development, design, manufacturing and service, the price advantage of domestic welding robots has been brought into play。
Machine tool accessories welding
SOLUTION丨Applications丨Metal Fabrication
Galvanized pipe welding
SOLUTION丨Applications丨Metal Fabrication
Metal device welding
SOLUTION丨Applications丨Metal Fabrication
Metal processing pot lid stamping
SOLUTION丨Applications丨Metal Fabrication
Machine tool metal stamping
SOLUTION丨Applications丨Metal Fabrication
Funnel stamping
SOLUTION丨Applications丨Metal Fabrication
Flame cutting
SOLUTION丨Applications丨Metal Fabrication